Minnetonka Budget

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Preparing Minnetonka’s city budget is an eight-month process that starts with the five-year capital improvements program and wraps up with adoption of the final budget and tax levy in December. To create the budget, the city council and staff use data to ensure the budget aligns with the city’s strategic priorities. The goal is to provide innovative, responsive and quality city services while maintaining our Aaa bond rating.

Preparing Minnetonka’s city budget is an eight-month process that starts with the five-year capital improvements program and wraps up with adoption of the final budget and tax levy in December. To create the budget, the city council and staff use data to ensure the budget aligns with the city’s strategic priorities. The goal is to provide innovative, responsive and quality city services while maintaining our Aaa bond rating.

Budget Feedback

What feedback would you like to provide the city council as it prepares Minnetonka's 2025 budget?

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I am the guy you may see defending taxes on Nextdoor. BUT the City has gone too far, repeatedly, and needs to take a very hard look at the trendline.

1) Despite the City's budget out-pacing inflation by large multiples for decades now, the trend is accelerating. I cannot find in the proposed Budget document or information sent or posted for citizens, any analysis or discussion of long-term cumulative increases compared to inflation, compared to the PPI or even compared to governance cost studies in the proposed Budget document or information sent or posted for citizens. If I am right, then that is irresponsible governance. If I am wrong, please highlight these discussions and their underlying data more prominently.

Since we moved into our current house in 1993, the City population has increased only 8.5%, the US CPI has increased 118% and Hennepin County's property tax on that house has increased 130%. Yet the City's taxes on that same property has increased 296% or over twice the rate of the County's! Let me repeat, over twice!
There have been no additions or major renovations on that property.
In 1993 the City's share of our total property taxes was 15%, but for 2024 it was 27% of the total ( and there are new taxing authorities since then).

How does the City justify greatly outstripping both inflation AND the County in tax increases?
How does the City review its aggregating cost against these other measures?
Why is there no discussion of that specific measure in the budget documents? (Comparing the increase to other cities - only on an annual basis - is not an adequate analysis).

Let me agree that certain costs have outstripped inflation AND the citizens may answer polls that Yes, they want certain new services. But the citizens are not the city's leadership. And THE REALITY of accumulating budget increases of 2 to 4 times the CPI and other measures has to be part of the analysis by staff, but even MORE SO part of the critique by the Council and Mayor.
Any staff in a big bureaucracy will present increases that sound justified individually, AND may be justified if only viewed individually. BUT that fails to take into account the over-riding factor of budget growth in the aggregate. With this 2025 proposal the City has demonstrated that is it has done that hard-nosed analysis, it has ignored it.

I will hate to see more of the backlash already dominant in the comments and social media about abandoning the good new efforts at sustainability and electing austerity-only replacement candidates, just because department heads and ESPECIALLY the Council and Mayor could not provide the controlling wisdom to rein in the natural tendencies of a well-established bureaucracy.

davidpaulson 4 months ago

Budget needs to be pro-active and not reactive. Most of these new positions proposed are just unnecessary. Focus on what the people want, bury the electrical lines, improve the parks. Stop wasting money on the Marsh or Williston fitness center.

Zubair 4 months ago

This past year, I read in the mtka memo ( which has turned into a mouthpiece for climate change, "progressive " agenda, etc ) that we are forced to pay for the new DEI position. Whatever it is costing us is too much. It is toxic, divisive, anti white and many companies are eliminating it because of that. Put the money back into the budget.

Floyd E. Kins 4 months ago

Where have you reviewed policies and processes to determine where savings can be achieved?

Why do we have the Marsh, which competes with private enterprise, when there are far more free options for seniors?

You are taxing without concern for other increases we, the voters, face—utilities, garbage collection, internet, Hennepin County, and others.

I support and agree with what blko4 wrote below.

ChrisHawver 5 months ago

It seems as though history repeats...Over and over again Governments raise taxes by amounts that most people can't afford. I have lieved in Hennepin County for a long time. I have leived in Minnetonka for only 8 years. Moving from Minneapolis to Minnetonka was a shock of sorts. Minnetonka is a well run city in my opinion. I suspect that if we were in a recession you wouldn't be asking for so much. Austerity is a concious tatic to people use to manage money. Your citizens do it so they can put kids thru college buy stuff they need and fix up their houses. Maybe even take a vacation. Try tying your increase to what is needed. Not what is wanted. I do.

Max 5 months ago

Excel is raising their rates so does this mean the Minnetonka franchise tax will also increase each month? The city currently has a city tax on all utilities every month. On my water bill, the city tax was $75 while actual water charge was $15. Giving money for affordable housing needs to start with current residents. I'm a senior but would prefer that my tax dollars be lowered so I can continue to live in my home rather than having another Senior Coordinator or someone making sure DEI boxes are checked. These positions are not needed as are three different natural resource offices. Please stop spending our tax dollars on social issues.

Mary mckee 5 months ago

Minnetonka residents need more transparency NOW on CIP "pending projects" of Marsh $30,000,000 and Williston $26,000,000 set for 2026 and 2027. What type of bonds are proposed? What approval is planned/expected? When will residents see more specifics on how the $56M is planned to be spent? What will community engagement look like? What will taxpayers be expected to pay per year per $100k of TAV of their home? Over how many years? What city council member(s) are driving this proposal? If no city councilmember is driving either of these projects--why is the city manager alone proposing $56,000,000 in new projects?

Schaeppi 6 months ago

We are all trying to live within our means and none of us can afford to increase our budget like you are planning. How about getting rid of the fluff. Most of us are looking at what we can cut so that we can afford to live. Please no tax increase!!

PattyF 6 months ago

You are going to tax your original residents out of your community. Between the current inflation rates, spikes in insurance, taxes and levy’s and lack of income rising to these levels people don’t have the funds. Then as you think about affordable housing how can low income individuals also pay these increases. We don’t come to the city when we need a purchase or have medical bills, we find a way to pay for it. The city needs to cut funding in order to fund what they feel they need. This is unacceptable and my council person does not speak for me.

SBrown 6 months ago

Stop raising taxes. We can't afford it! Budget increase of 0% is what it should be.

S 6 months ago

The aging population is a concern. Instead of having a senior fitness coordinator, keep taxes low so the over 65 group can afford to stay in their homes. I oppose a lot of the increases you suggest. DEI, Minnetonka is the whitest place I have ever lived, there isn't much to do about that. Keep taxes low. I have 2 neighbors in 2 separate houses that are retired. They can't afford this increase on a fixed income. I work, but my COLA is 4% what you propose is way over that. People can't keep up with this all.

Suburban mom 6 months ago

Comments on the current levy.
Delay facility improvements
We do not need a DEI specialist, it’s a well meaning program that doesn’t generate the desired results. DENY this request.
We don’t need a senior fitness coordinator. Deny.
We don’t need a Program and event coordinator at the March DENY
We do not need a non-union class and compensation study. What a WASTE DENY.
Other comments based on the 2024 budget.
The Human resources division’s personnel budget has increased 85% since 2021 (PG 24). This is outrageous. Cut two positions here and save $200k.
We do not need another communication officer. This job can be done inhouse by the individual services. Use AI like the rest of us. Do not add another full-time person, deny requested budget (pg 26) Save $120k
For the police Would love to see money spent on more training for our police officers especially for practical real-world escalation of force training, physical fitness equipment for the force, or mandatory gym memberships. I expect our personal in uniform to be physically fit.
I’m not happy with the program’s offered by the city I would deny the requested amount and maintain status quo or reduce levels to weed out the pointless content. Save $100k.
Decrease the Natural Resources Division, this is too many resources for stewardship that is at best ineffective. Rezoning efforts and nuclear power will make the biggest difference in the long term. Cut budget here by at least 1 FTE preferably 2. Save $200k
Seniors can pay for their own recreational activities. This budget should be cut back to 2021 levels. Save $130k
Get rid of the Affordable house Trust Fund. Make is profitable and easy for developers to build in Minnetonka and the housing supply will increase. This will lower the cost of housing for all and increase tax revenues for the city. Win to the budget win to lower income individuals win to the middle class. Save $3726k
The ice arena’s operating expenditure has more then doubled since 2021 from $552k to $1223k WHY!!! I do not use this whatsoever and to see it as such a large portion of the budget is insanity. These fees need to increase to the individual who use it. It does look like a reporting change was done in 2022, so perhaps the increase is due to that, but I maintain my stance very Few people use the arena as a percentage of the city, this is not a good use of taxpayer funds. It should be privately owned and operated.
GET RID OF THE MARSH! Unless it can operate at breakeven to taxpayers. Save $1.6m
Livable Communities fund should be scrapped. It is consistent with the Metropolitan Council which is an unelected and therefore unconstitutional government body. Save $400k. Also, per my previous comment make it is easy to build so the housing supply increase will create affordable housing.
With out the Marsh and Affordable House Trust Fund savings would be $1.150m Not a big move but it would be a start in the right direction.

bkl04 6 months ago

Would it be possible to request a graphic representing the proposed budget increase relative to the consumer price index? I see the budgets going back to 2010 on the website so I think it would be very helpful for residents and elected officials be able to better understand the historical trends to provide objective feedback related to the proposed tax/spending increases.

Minnetonkaresident 6 months ago

You need to scale this back by getting rid of wasteful spending - eliminate spending for The Marsh, DEI Commission staff and money for racist subsidized housing projects like Mills Church.

radiant 6 months ago

No to new taxes.

Jane 6 months ago

As a 30-year Minnetonka homeowner, I would like to see greater concern for the economic burden placed upon citizens with such a large increase of 7.23%. My property tax increased by 17.8% from 2022 to 2023! and 4% from 2023 to 2024; far exceeding any state inflation rates. As a retiree, this is more and more difficult to manage and is burdensome. Please show some understanding and restraint with your budget increases that triple the expected inflation rate in our economy.

SMB 6 months ago

In a year where Hennepin County Property Tax increases are over 10%, home insurance rates are increasing 30% or more for many residents, and the cost of basic needs like food are up due to inflation, is not the time for an imposed 7.23 tax levy increase by the City of Minnetonka, particularly if the primary benefits highlighted are serving only one segment of the city. For many wages are flat or incomes are restricted. 2025 property related hikes are already resulting in 3000+ annual increases for residents beginning in 2025. Balance the budget in another way.

MtkaRes 6 months ago

Why are city fathers trying to increase population density that only requires more services and expenses for the city to support? I have lived in the city for 47 years. Each year seems to bring less quality of life to our city.
I vote for zero based budgeting publishing that openly before improving a budget increase.

Zorba 6 months ago

In reviewing the budget, two things stood out to me, a non-financial person. One, there seems to be an overlap in responsibilities and budget $ going to Natural Resources, Forestry, and Public Works. Two, a lot of money is being paid by residents for basic water, and other utilities that are falsely being described in budget report as being paid by those companies....when residents are paying. These "fees" keep going up when it seems they should be listed under general budget. For example, in my last water bill my actual water charge was $10.68 and "infrastructure Fee" was $76.41--the "City Franchise Fee" on my Center Point was $4.50--I pay these fees, utility company doesn't. Be more transparent and don't hide city expenditures?

Mary mckee 6 months ago

One of my neighbors was almost hit by a car that ran a red light while she was crossing Shady Oak Road because the City of Minnetonka removed the trail stairs between Beachside Drive and the trail that leads to Shady Oak Beach. This action cut off the neighborhood and adjacent neighborhoods from safe and easy access to the park and trail system. People now have to cross Shady Oak Road at the busy intersection to get to the lake which is dangerous for pedestrians and slows traffic on the busy road. Many of my neighbors, myself included, used this trail access daily. This is a huge loss for our community. Rebuilding the stairs would positively impact the health and well-being of many residents for minimal cost and effort. I started a petition on Change.org that has garnered over 160 signatures in the first two weeks. Please see the petition here: https://chng.it/FNstYVY7dj We are asking the City of Minnetonka to add a project to the 2025 city budget to rebuild these stairs and reinstate access to the trail system. Thank you for your consideration.

DanielleW 7 months ago
Page last updated: 06 Dec 2024, 06:23 AM