Overnight Parking Ordinance

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The Minnetonka City Council took no action at its June 3, 2024 meeting.

Icons of P car and street light on blue background

The council took no action at its June 3, 2024 meeting. Council suggested looking into a more targeted and prescriptive approach to parking guidelines to address specific issues without making citywide changes.

The City of Minnetonka is proposing a city ordinance that would allow street parking to occur April 30 through Nov. 1.

City code currently prohibits a vehicle from being parked on a public street between 2 and 6 a.m. The amended ordinance would remove this restriction and allow on-street, overnight parking during the summer months. Overnight parking would still be restricted through the winter months.

Prior to drafting a final ordinance for the city council, the city is open to community feedback and information regarding the proposed ordinance. You can share your feedback and ask questions in the spaces provided below.

The council took no action at its June 3, 2024 meeting. Council suggested looking into a more targeted and prescriptive approach to parking guidelines to address specific issues without making citywide changes.

The City of Minnetonka is proposing a city ordinance that would allow street parking to occur April 30 through Nov. 1.

City code currently prohibits a vehicle from being parked on a public street between 2 and 6 a.m. The amended ordinance would remove this restriction and allow on-street, overnight parking during the summer months. Overnight parking would still be restricted through the winter months.

Prior to drafting a final ordinance for the city council, the city is open to community feedback and information regarding the proposed ordinance. You can share your feedback and ask questions in the spaces provided below.

Share feedback and information

Prior to drafting a final ordinance for the city council, the city is open to feedback and information regarding the proposed ordinance. Please share it in the space provided. Comment will be accepted through May 20.

The Minnetonka City Council took no action at its June 3, 2024 meeting.

Thank you for your feedback. The comment period on Minnetonka Matters has closed. You can follow the project on this page.

I have serious safety concerns for the children in this neighborhood the passage of this ordinance living in the Covington neighborhood near Scenic Heights Elementary.
Everyday we deal with parents who drive/drop children off pickup twice a day Monday through Friday from 8-6 as this school services before and after school care.
There are no cross walks/sidewalks and no safety officers so children walking to school would have to contend with double or triple the amount of cars as well as buses while walking and kids can’t bike to school already due to safety concerns.
Please carefully consider the safety of the children in neighborhoods like this we should not be considering any ordinance that can and will impact the safety and well being of our children, not to mention it will increase unknown safety concerns in neighborhoods that were not designed to handle such traffic and parking.

Jonana 10 months ago

Street parking overnight will crowd streets compromise safety and increase crime activity.

JR 10 months ago

I don’t understand the issue with everyone so up in arms about parking on the street. Not everyone live in a home by yourself where parking isn’t an issue. We are a family of 7 with college and high school aged kids who needs cars to get to a job or college. Being able to park on the street will help solve some of the issues we have shuffling cars and always being concerned as to where to park.

Multifam 10 months ago

Is it too late? Anyway, just a few comments after reading through some of the responses...please do not consider allowing parking on just one side of the street.
Then all the problems mentioned will be confined to one set of neighbors! And if for some reason people do have a short-term reason to street park, make sure it's in front of their own house and to take care not to dangerously impede/block others' driveways, sight lines, mailboxes etc. Thank you for your consideration!

CelticChica 10 months ago

Just provides more opportunities for crime if cars on the street.

pattymarie 10 months ago

I do not want parked cars in the street overnight. The cars make it difficult o see bikers, walkers, strollers and children. Especially at night. Do not allow street parking at night.

MsPC 10 months ago

I do not agree with this proposal.

treehorn 10 months ago

What triggered the City to propose this new ordinance? Why would this be beneficial to the residents of Minnetonka?

TXB 10 months ago

I don't think this is a very good idea. The parking of cars on streets creates a dangerous environment for those walking on the street. We do not have sidewalks for walkers, so students going to catch their school bus will be hidden by parked cars when they walk / run to catch their bus.

farleyhm 10 months ago

Hello, thanks for the opportunity to provide feedback on city issues. I oppose the proposed ordinance to allow overnight street parking for most of the year. Along with many other streets, our street does not have sidewalks. This poses a safety concern for pedestrians and drivers who must navigate through narrower access points. The enforcement process during the winter months will add complexity, cost, and bureaucracy. Will every street in Minnetonka now require signs that spell out the policy? Will the police be required to find car owners to ticket, or will cars be towed away? We live in Minnetonka because it's not like other suburban areas. It encourages a natural look and feel in our neighborhoods.I believe this change will make our city more urban, cluttered, and negatively impact Minnetonka.

bpkmtka 10 months ago

I oppose the ordinance change. Our residential roads are narrow and parking on one or both sides of the road will make the streets impassable for school buses and garbage trucks, for example. Overnight parking will also decrease safety and encourage more car break ins and theft. I fail to see the need for the change.

Resident42 10 months ago

I oppose this new proposed ordinance. Please keep parking restrictions as they are.

BW10 10 months ago

I am opposed to a change in the current parking ordinances. It seems this change would make it more difficult for emergency vehicles to safely and quickly respond to emergency situations. It would also make the roads less friendly for walkers, runners, and bikers. I'm curious as to why this is being proposed. It seems odd that people would only need to park in the street overnight during summer months. I'm unclear as to what need would be met by this change.

Mtka Resident 56 10 months ago

I do not support having 24/7 street parking during any months of the year. I feel it will be a safety issue and also increase crime in our neighborhoods. I would like to know the reason a change is being proposed. I feel that transparency on this issue is lacking. It’s a no for myself and my husband Kris F

Kwf 10 months ago

First question-why is this even being considered? There is no need, in our beautiful suburb, to allow overnight parking. There is a hoarder house in my neighborhood with buses, vans, trailers, and old cars all over their yard. Neighbors like this will just move their junk onto the streets. Cars parked on the streets jeopardize safety of pedestrians and other drivers, risk street being impassible, and also harm the environment by leaking fluids into the storm sewers leading to our lakes. Street in my neighborhood aren't wide enough to allow a car to pass if cars are parked on both sides. If this is to accommodate more density, then build off-street parking for the density projects.

Mtkagrrl 10 months ago

I am opposed to changing the current parking ordinance in Minnetonka. I think it will create safety issues for pedestrians, emergency vehicles and residential traffic. I am also curious and disappointed as to why the powers that be in Minnetonka would not have attempted to explain the reason this change is being proposed, and what considerations have been reviewed, to it's citizens. I think residents deserve that information in considering the proposed change. Again, it is a thumbs down for me at this time! Warren B. a Minnetonka Resident since 1981.

WBB in Mtka 10 months ago

I am against overnight parking for safety reasons, namely lines of sight on narrow and curvy roads, and most importantly for police patrols and especially fire trucks and ambulance access. Our road is narrow and fire trucks cannot get through with cars parked overnight.

I am ok, for occasional exceptions, e.g.cars displaced from driveways due to maintenance like re-tarring be allowed if called into dispatch police.

I also am concerned about car break ins going up, and vandalism with cars in streets.

Finally, domestic and wildlife can be harmed with street parking, darting near cars and in crawlspaces.

Susan B. 10 months ago

Thanks for asking for opinions. I am totally against changing the current parking ordinance. So many others have given multiple reasons for why allowing 24/7 parking on streets should NOT be allowed. In our case coming off 62/Townline Road on Creek Ridge Pass is treacherous at night. The road is hilly and lights don't shine on parked vehicles. We always drive very slowly, but I know not all people do. If there are vehicles parked on both sides of the street, you would have to carefully drive in the center and not be able to see upcoming cars because of the hills. VERY DANGEROUS! Please do not change the parking ordinance!

Diane Bancroft 10 months ago

I think this makes sense, where there aren't space concerns, which do exist for some streets, and only on 1 side. I have teenagers and young adults. They regularly have friends over who end up staying overnight (summer tends to see more kids hanging out). My driveway isn't big enough to accommodate the number of cars since everyone seems to drive their own. I think allowing street parking would support these young kids socializing, and keeping everyone safe instead of driving home late. I also think it should be easy, and having to obtain a permit doesn't support that. Signs should be posted for roads where this isn't allowed.

Susie 10 months ago

I would not like to see street parking overnight in Minnetonka allowed, looks junky, can potentially interfere with emergency response.

sahlquist 10 months ago