Flood Risk Management
Consultation has concluded

The city is looking for feedback on our updated floodplain maps. These maps outline the risk of flooding for properties in Minnetonka. The interactive online map is a new tool residents can use to better understand their property’s flood risk. City Council will be considering approval of the updated flood management elevations, as well as an update to the floodplain ordinance.
Floodplain maps show what areas are at risk for flooding during high rainfall events. Many of these maps illustrate what areas would likely flood in a "100-year event,"- essentially a 1% chance of flooding on any given year. In Minnetonka, the typical “100-year event” is a 7.4-inch rainfall in 24 hours. The city last updated its floodplain maps in 1999. The updated maps account for more accurate precipitation data, updates to our infrastructure, and land use changes in the last 20 years. This is the first time that an interactive map has been available for public use.
Residents should use this updated map to better understand their property’s flood risk and identify potential changes needed to better protect their property. All residents of Minnetonka are eligible for flood insurance through FEMA’s National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP). See our “Flood Insurance: What You Need to Know” Fact sheet for more information. Visit the NFIP website for more information on purchasing flood insurance: FloodSmart.gov.
An initial introduction of the updates is scheduled for City Council review on May 22, 2023. Following a 60-day comment period for residents and Watershed Management Organizations (WMO’s) review, the City Council will consider approval of the updated floodplain maps and management elevations. Additionally, an update to the floodplain ordinance is proposed as a way to simplify the floodplain regulation process and further encourage property owners to take steps to better protect their property. The updated ordinance will be introduced to the Planning Commision in July and final City Council review and adoption of the updated management elevations is expected in August. Feedback collected on Minnetonka Matters will be provided to City Council prior to their final review.
Please share your feedback on how the city plans to share updated flood risk maps with property owners and the associated documents to help residents protect their homes. Additionally, please share your feedback on the proposed ordinance language to simplify the process for basic floodplain alteration projects. Feedback provided will be shared with the city council for their consideration with their final approval.
If you have questions about your specific property, please reach out to Sarah Schweiger, Water Resources Engineer directly at 952-939-8233 or sschweiger@minnetonkamn.gov.