Charitable Gambling Ordinance

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The city council adopted the ordinance repealing and replacing Section 605 of the Minnetonka City Code at its July 8, 2024 meeting.

Pull tabs on table

The city council adopted the ordinance repealing and replacing Section 605 of the Minnetonka City Code at its July 8, 2024 meeting. The ordinance, authorizes and regulates lawful gambling within the City of Minnetonka and allows for charitable gambling in liquor-licensed establishments.

The City of Minnetonka is proposing a city ordinance that would allow lawful gambling within establishments with liquor licenses.

Current city code prohibits gambling in places that have a liquor license. At the request of business owners, the city council discussed expanding the provisions for gambling at its March 2024 study session. The proposed ordinance would repeal current code and authorize businesses with liquor licenses to allow lawful gambling under certain regulations for the recipient nonprofit organizations:

  • Located within Minnetonka or any school district boundaries that include Minnetonka.
  • Provide up to 10 percent of their net gambling profits for lawful purposes that the city specifies.
  • Meet in the city or have one-third of its membership within the defined trade area.
  • Must spend 70 percent of gross profits within the defined trade area.

Prior to drafting a final ordinance for the city council, the city is open to community feedback and information regarding the proposed ordinance. You can share your feedback below.

Graphic courtesy: Bradley Stemke, Flickr; License Attribution (CC BY 2.0)

The city council adopted the ordinance repealing and replacing Section 605 of the Minnetonka City Code at its July 8, 2024 meeting. The ordinance, authorizes and regulates lawful gambling within the City of Minnetonka and allows for charitable gambling in liquor-licensed establishments.

The City of Minnetonka is proposing a city ordinance that would allow lawful gambling within establishments with liquor licenses.

Current city code prohibits gambling in places that have a liquor license. At the request of business owners, the city council discussed expanding the provisions for gambling at its March 2024 study session. The proposed ordinance would repeal current code and authorize businesses with liquor licenses to allow lawful gambling under certain regulations for the recipient nonprofit organizations:

  • Located within Minnetonka or any school district boundaries that include Minnetonka.
  • Provide up to 10 percent of their net gambling profits for lawful purposes that the city specifies.
  • Meet in the city or have one-third of its membership within the defined trade area.
  • Must spend 70 percent of gross profits within the defined trade area.

Prior to drafting a final ordinance for the city council, the city is open to community feedback and information regarding the proposed ordinance. You can share your feedback below.

Graphic courtesy: Bradley Stemke, Flickr; License Attribution (CC BY 2.0)

Share feedback and information

Prior to drafting a final ordinance for the city council, the city is open to feedback and information regarding the proposed ordinance. Please share it in the space provided. Comment will be accepted through June 24.

The city council adopted the ordinance repealing and replacing Section 605 of the Minnetonka City Code at its July 8, 2024 meeting.

Thank you for your feedback. The comment period on Minnetonka Matters has closed. You can follow the project on this page.

I support charitable gambling in Minnetonka, fun pastime while out to eat as well as reinvesting back into the community.

kmarchok 9 months ago

Charitable gambling is a great way to have fun while out to eat, and also support different charities. I have personally seen the benefits to our local youth sports. The funds from charitable gambling keep the fees low and provide scholarships to families who may not otherwise be able to play sports.
In addition, it will provide millions of dollars in revenue to the city of Minnetonka.
Currently other cities are benefiting from the fact that people will choose to drive an extra 2 minutes to an establishment that will allow them to play pull tabs. That is revenue we are missing out on as a city, and our local charities are also not receiving.

Let's join the rest of our well educated, well funded, like minded neighboring cities and approve charitable gambling!

walleyeguy 9 months ago

This is a great idea that will benefit Minnetonka and the non-profit organizations that will be able to receive these funds.
The financial benefits from Charitable Gambling allow youth sports to keep costs down and accessible for all families and the funds from Charitable Gambling benefit small businesses, charitable organizations, and other community organizations such as the Fire Department, City Police, etc.
It's a win-win!

MichaelM 9 months ago

I hate this idea. There are no family studies that say this is good for families or even for individuals. It's not about money, it's about health. I strongly encourage a "NO".

wpitman 9 months ago

What a horrible idea!
Minnetonka- Sin City
You may as well add prostitution and drugs to the Minnetonka list.
Isthis just for the 10% revenue to the city?

cschons 9 months ago

Will more gambling make Minnetonka a better place to live?

dewnist 9 months ago

Absolutely NOT! please!!! There is a reason why Minnetonka is far more educated and safer than communities that do allow gambling in liquor establishments. It’s a recipe for complete disaster and financial instability within families and young adults! Please do not allow this!

Fams 9 months ago

Please pass this ordinance for Minnetonka! We are losing quite a bit of money to Hopkins and St. Louis Park. Including my own families! If people don't like gambling, they are not forced to partake. Let those of us who enjoy pull tabs and other forms of casual gambling enjoy it in our home city.

bmickelson07 9 months ago

I support charitable gambling in Minnetonka, this will help the bar/restaurant business in Minnetonka vs those who want to gamble go to other surrounding communities to do so, might as well help our community versus others. Sounds like a no brainer.

Harry b 9 months ago

I am firmly opposed to the proposal to allow expanded gambling in Minnetonka.

I believe that the city council has a responsibility to act in the best interest of the community. For me, this means being able to identify the expected benefits, costs, and risks of a proposal and only pursuing those that can demonstrate the highest likelihood of achieving the greatest positive impact. At this point, I do not believe there have been any expected benefits identified to support expanded gambling in Minnetonka, but there are numerous costs and risks that have been identified by research and community members on both sides of this proposal.

The notes from the city council meeting on May 20, 2024 state that “The potential revenues from lawful gambling cannot be estimated at this time.” It seems that there should be numerous ways to estimate the potential city revenue from this proposal, or if it is truly not possible to estimate, it may be necessary to test it out. With no expected benefits identified, there is nothing to suggest that expanded gambling would be a good choice for our community.

The negative impacts of gambling to individuals and communities have been widely established by a large amount of research. Charitable gambling has been characterized as taking advantage of people with addiction challenges and those least able to afford the losses. And childhood exposure to gambling has been shown to increase the likelihood of future gambling and other addictive behaviors. Additionally, I wonder about the potential impact to safety on our roads. If charitable gambling encourages more frequent and/or longer visits to businesses selling alcohol, it seems reasonable to expect an increase in alcohol related driving incidents. I believe there would also be costs to the community to establish and enforce new laws related to expanded gambling. These costs and risks would need to be identified and outweighed by the potential benefits before I could be convinced that expanded gambling is good for the community.

I appreciate the council members’ time and consideration of the public comments provided, and I hope that the council members will choose to put the community first and vote to deny this proposal to expand gambling in Minnetonka.

Ryan H 9 months ago

I support and encourage changing the ordinance to support lawful gambling, which will benefit city tax collections, adults who want to exercise their free will to participate— or not — and the establishment owners who should be encouraged to grow their business in the city.

It makes no sense that a federal law has legalized U.S. gambling, but the same business owner of both The Scoreboard sports bar in Minnetonka and JJ’s sports bar in St. Louis Park must operate under two different city policies where gambling activities like pull tabs and football numbers can be sold in one bar restaurant but not the other.

Liquor is sold with the idea adults can choose responsibly to partake, and the same should be applied to soft gambling in Minnetonka establishments. Gambling is already here to stay in lottery tickets, legal poker and casinos and racetracks.

AllenR 9 months ago

I agree with the concept of allowing charitable gambling in Minnetonka. Many of the previous comments make the rationale for it. I am concerned about the 70 percent of gross profits clause and would want that fully set out so that groups are able to comply with easy to understand language as to what the trade area is geographically or however that is defined.

Beth Baldwin 9 months ago

Looks like a lot of talk about pull tabs, but under Minn. Stat. §§ 609.75 Subd 8. it looks like there is a possibility that this could be used for video poker as well.

@Mtka 9 months ago

It's amazing how many different hands dip into that Charitable Gambling Pot and how little actually gets to the charity.

Greenbrier Resident 9 months ago

Yes, I support this. It keeps the money local. It could attract businesses to Mtka and encourage customers to bring their business here. It's fun. I don't participate, but I believe it could be a plus for our community.

Jillian 9 months ago

I am 100% for the ability of our restaurants to have charitable gambling.

mmw 9 months ago

There is no reason this shouldn’t pass. If an establishment holds a liquor license, its staff is familiar with following tight regulations.

30+ years in tonka 9 months ago

As someone who shared in pulltab winnings of $500 in March and $400 in April, both in St. Paul bar-restaurants, it was a gas! Bring the excitement to Minnetonka. Even when you lose, you win by supporting local activities. And pulltabs is mostly a fun “group” activity vs something a person does alone —addicted gamblers choose casinos, not charitable gambling. See no harm in allowing Minnetonka businesses to add it if they choose.

CelticChica 9 months ago

I think it would be a great addition and a great way to give to the community. Unfortunately a lot of times I choose to dine in SLP or Hopkins because of pulltabs and bar bingo.

JawSonic 9 months ago

Very much against. What with recreational marijuana, alcohol, now gambling...none that enhance the lives of Minnetonka residents and families. It always seems to come down to money and not what is right.

Mary mckee 9 months ago